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  Other benefits include:


  • Easy to use - thermal fogging machines create a spray of fine mist that can be directed into all corners of a room. It is easy to control the flow and spread of the mist to ensure that all surfaces within a space are coated in the cleaning solution. Thermal fogging machines work like steam irons and are easy to become acquainted with.

  • Maximum coverage - The minute droplets of cleaning agents, disinfectants, or pesticides that are sprayed out of the machine spread out in the air. This mist floats around the room for a while before slowly settling on all surfaces. The high density of tiny droplets emitted from the fogging machine ensures maximum coverage within a space.

  • ULV foggers create a mist that is very hard to see. Thermal foggers use heat to vaporize the liquid solution which creates a thick and visible fog. The operator can then direct this fog into all spaces of a room and ensure optimum results.

Thermal Fogging / Dry Fog Treatment for Odor Control: Choose from Various Scents or Odor-Free Options

Thermo Generator / Dry Smoke will get rid of any unplesanr smell

Treating rooms with dry fog is the most effective and safe way to combat foul odors in our time. Dry fog has similar properties to smoke; it spreads nicely in a confined space and has high permeability, quickly penetrating hard-to-reach places - cavities and crevices, so disinfection with dry fog eliminates stench by 100%.


Our particular fog generator is filled with professional liquid "Harvard Odor Destroyers" developed by leading chemists from Harvard University in the USA. Then, the device converts it into "dry steam," consisting of tiny particles. Their fraction is significantly smaller than the size of the molecules that make up household odors. Due to this and the sufficiently high fog density, pathogenic molecules are reliably bound. The generator, powered by Harvard Odor Destroyers fluid, creates a completely dry mist at the exit. It fills the entire space, like smoke, but with a high concentration. After treatment, no marks will be on any surface - furniture, fabric, or laminate.


The dry mist will eliminate the following odors: tobacco and marijuana smoke, burning smell after a fire, dampness, and rot; urine, feces, and vomit; cats, ferrets, and other animals, sweat in the locker rooms, fresh renovation: paint, furniture, and plastic. Eliminating odor in your house with dry fog provides quick and lasting results.


We have different flavors of smell to offer you including Orange, Cherry, Cream Sickle, Cinnamon, Green apple, or Zero-smell:



Follow these general safety steps to ensure worker, occupant, and building safety:

  • Make sure that all individuals and their pets have left the area.

  • Notify the local fire department about your intentions. Neighbors will call the fire department when they see “smoke” escaping outside from the thermal fog deodorization.

  • It is also helpful to post notices indicating that odor remediation fogging is in progress.

  • All technicians working with thermal foggers should wear respirators, and eye and skin protection. Shut off all open flames, including pilot lights.

  • Cover or disable smoke detectors.

  • Cover fish tanks and food containers.


Preparing areas for fogging:


These preparations will help to ensure maximum effectiveness of your fogging procedures

  • Close all exterior windows and doors.

  • Open all cabinets, closets, and drawers in the affected area.

  • Drawers should be stair-stepped bottom drawer opened furthest, the next drawer opened slightly less, and so on.

Different kinds of smell

Steam penetrates stubborn dirt and destroys the structure of the molecule of the source of stench while simultaneously saturating the space with a pleasant aroma. Treatment of a house with dry fog is considered complete when the mist settles. Thermal foggers are equipped with a heated barrel that is preheated to high temperatures using propane, gas, or electricity depending on the type of fog. The average exposure time is 30 minutes, then the room is ventilated. The low efficiency of aromatic compositions lies in the large size of the molecule - about 150 microns, and the pores in which unpleasant odors settle are only 15 microns. Therefore, aromatic aerosols cannot enter the pores and destroy the smell. They act within a certain radius and mask the smell, but it returns after the aroma wears off. Dry steam ideally passes into the pores of any surface since the particle size is only 10-15 microns. They displace and permanently eliminate the source of the unpleasant odor.


Thermal Fogging-thick cloud of fog that creates an odor barrier to prevent the odor from returning. Warm mist throughout the entire promise including the A/C system.


Discover MyPureZone's cutting-edge dry fog treatment for effective odor removal in Dallas and Frisco, TX. Specializing in vehicle and house odor removal, we tackle pet, smoke, and persistent odors with precision.


Trust our advanced technology and expert services to ensure a fresh and clean environment wherever you are in Dallas and Frisco.

Before applying Dry Fog, we recommend starting with using  Ozone Generator in pair with UV


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